Saturday, June 7, 2008

I must not know any environmentalists...

It seems that everyone is environmentalist and interestingly enough, everyone is also now a scientist. The politician, the corporate executive, the common man, is now rebelling against the cautionary words of scientists...of science...and saying, "No, you're wrong". (Kind of like our position before God sometimes, isn't it?)

Here's my question. If everyone is now an environmentalist, fuel is the devil and cars should run on rainbows and butterfly sprinkles... then why is everyone complaining about the cost of gas?

Isn't the cost of gas
and the repercussions of that cost a GOOD thing?

Increased cost equals decreased use.
Increased cost means changes in habits.
Increased cost means the development of viable alternatives.

So why haven't I heard a single person at the checkout, at the restaurant, or in the media say,
"Thank God for these gas prices."?

I guess I just haven't run into any environmentalists...

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