Thursday, June 12, 2008

A Brilliant Blog.

I have been reading an absolutely brilliant blog with consistently good content. And every time I visit, I find myself wanting to copy, paste and present the information here (with full credit and a link, of course).

Instead, I am simply going to profile it here, and put a link in the sidebar.

If you want more than simply to be entitled to your opinion.
If you care enough to be well informed.
If you give a crap about our country--you'll want to add this to your frequent reads:

Like this post by Mick Stockinger:
I was listening to some commentary from Juan Williams who considered the prospects of the general election in terms of Obama's presence, charisma and fluid speaking style--constrasting it with John McCain's, hunched, halting and ineloquent recent speech. For Williams, and I imagine for most liberals, its all about style. For me, and I imagine most conservatives, its all about substance. John McCain won the Republican nomination because for better or worse, he appeared to most voters as the most substantive candidate. If it was a matter of style, Huckabee would now be looking for a running mate.

Who wins this argument? I don't rightly know. Are more people fascinated with style or impressed with substance? The polls appear to suggest that substance still rules the day, but I concede the significant difference between polls and elections. My dread of an Obama presidency is similarly less about him and what he would do, and more a concern with whether America has lost its soul. If it really is an MTV country, we are all screwed.
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