Tuesday, May 27, 2008

It's a small world.

A weird thing happened the other morning. I was perusing the news and saw this story about a couple stranded in shark infested waters for 19 hours. The weirdest part is that I recognized the woman.

A few years back, when I was travelling the majority of the time for work, I was spending a lot of time in California. One weekend, instead of flying home, my team and I drove into Sacremento -- as a fellow on my team had lived there for a couple years and knew the hot spots. One of these was a great English microbrewery/pub. It was a perfect California day and we spend the better part of an afternoon outside on the massive stone patio under the oaks. He had spent his fair share of time there (this could probably not be overstated) while a local, and knew the owner as well as one can though the bottom of a wine glass.

So, we were all introduced, given some appetizers and a round of drafts on the house and sat chatting with the nice lady and her business partner.

Amazingly enough - this is her:

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