Friday, April 4, 2008

A Little Bit of Our Phoenix

This is our Wax Begonia on the back patio. Tracy and I were watering one evening and I saw the sun shining through it. It lit up like a jewel. I couldn't help but take 20 pictures or so.

This is a shot in our backyard - a view that Tracy loves. It's the contrast of soft roses with the hard prickly pear cactus and the queen palm in the background.

Here is one of our new Camillia's. We put three of these in along our back wall and they are taking off! They are beautiful and absolutely loaded with buds.

This is our metaphorical back yard. Not really our back yard, but sort of our back yard. This is on the way into Phoenix from the south (from Tucson). It has no relevance to the rest of the post, but it's a shot I had been planning to post - so here it is.

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