Thursday, January 1, 2009

Goodbye 2008. Good Morning 2009.

2008 has been both a quick and painfully slow year.

This house has bore witness to all kinds of complications this past year... As well as trust, faith, growth and ultimately relief.

The challenges in a nutshell: My grandmother had a stroke in March, but we couldn't go bw with her with Tracy's back as it was. Then after months of pain, trying multiple non-surgical options and procedures, she ultimately ended up unable to walk, stand, or even pick up her head. Surgery ended up the ONLY option. Within days of her back sugery at Mayo, I came down with an acute case of Cocci (Valley Fever, here) and was sick, then weak, for months. We lost Mindy, my dog of 13 years (and our dog, now). On that same day, we found out that my grandma was having emergency surgery and that they found cancer.

There has been plenty of good as well. Tracy graduated from Fuller Theological Seminary in July, with her MAT-BST, having taken on both Greek and Hebrew, and so, so much more.

I played softball in both church league and city league, and found that I can still hit the ball -- though the following attempts at base running are not what they were 17 years ago. I am younger in my head than I am on the field.

In September, It was announced that two 73ideas logos were selected for Logo Lounge 5 "2,000 International Identities by Leading Designers" -- the premier collection for Corporate Identity. There were over 33,000 pieces up for consideration in the internationally juried competition. It's my first international contest win since 2001.

Tracy has taken on teaching the senior high girls bible study and found it both challenging and rewarding. I have pitched in to help where I can, which most of the time means moving a chair or two, or hooking up a laptop to the home theater.

I was baptized in November. I grew up without that being either stressed or readily available. It is amazing the hunger to read and know more that has followed that experience.

Ultimately it has been a very good year. A tough year to be sure, but a good year. Without the challenges there is not the opportunity for growth.

Hello and welcome, 2009.
I look forward to your opportunities and challenges.

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