Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Cultural Differences - Honor

Every morning I start my day with a look at the news. Not so much the inconsequential news of what Hillary Hussien Clinton Obama says that Mike McCain is wrong about, and definitely not how Britney is doing out of (and in, and out of, and in) rehab (and the mental hospital, and rehab, and rehab). No. News. I look at News.

While looking at the News, I saw this Article on a famous Chinese photo, the newsman who "took" it and his fall from grace. He faked it. He got caught. He resigned. Not only did HE resign. His editor resigned.
It got me thinking.

Now don't paint me so naive as to think that the Chinese government couldn't be behind the resignations. (Also, please do not paint my toys with lead paint.) I am sure there was pressure. As a matter of fact, don't be surprised to hear if this poor disgraced fellow ends up in some sort of "accident" or commits "suicide". But all that aside, there is still a cultural difference in their perception of honor.

It was not so long ago that our conservative friend Dan (I'd ) Rather (do it my way) found himself in a similair situation - and with a much different end. It seems that we in the west are often a lot more concerned about doing it "our way" than in doing it the right way.

We're entitled to opinions with no facts to base them on - or even piles of evidence to the contrary. We are innocent even when proven guilty. Guilty but proven innocent.

Corrupt but blameless.

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