Thursday, January 31, 2008

The year ahead.

This year is going to be different. Not that last year was bad - on the contrary. And not that the one before that was bad. There was one a few years back that was bad, but then, that is why I am where I am now, so how bad was it really???

Anyway, this year is one of oportunity for me. Which is to say that I am working on new directions to take the business, maybe even a new business.

I am going to work on keeping this blog. And another, largely business blog. It is a challenge having your hands in many things and keeping up with many other things, and exploring some new things on top of that - but I know how annoying it is never seeing anything new posted - and I am going to work on that. No more apologies for the 8 weeks since the last post. It simply won't hit 8 weeks this year.

So there it is. I am back from our nearly 6 weeks of holiday travel. I am looking at the business and considering some new opportunities, and I am going to post updates to this blog.

I'm Dwight Knowlton and I approved this message.

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